Impressoras Wiiboox Two FDM 3D Printer


Print Precision

30x 26 x 26cm



Air Filtration System

impressoras 3D Wiiboox


High Precision
Not dragging

As the core part in 3D printer, the extruder has always been our research emphasis. In order to make the extruder neither drag nor plug in normal use, we have developed the sixth generation extruder. The new extruder connected with copper nozzle is capable of reaching 0.06mm printing precision driven by high precision step motor.

impressoras 3D Wiiboox

Consistent Pursuit

As Safe As Ever

WIIBOOX TWO still pays great attention on customer safety, because customer safety is the cornerstone of our development at any time and any place.Therefore, we take 0.08mm air filtration system combined with fully enclosed fuselage to effectively protect our customers from the small particles produced during the printing process.

impressoras 3D Wiiboox

Interactions from Fingertips

Touch Screen

When your fingertip touches the screen, the 3D printer gives you corresponding feedbacks. Isn’t it a beautiful experience? Therefore, we have changed the four-button operation into 4.3inch touch screen. Start WIIBOOX TWO and you can fully enjoy the beautiful interactions from fingertips.

impressoras 3D Wiiboox
impressoras 3D Wiiboox

Keep printing even it is interrupted

Filament Alarm

If the filament accidentally breaks when you are having a rest or when the 3D printer is out of your sight, it is not only a waste of time, but a great loss, because you have expected so much on the printing model. Now, when the filament breaks, no matter normally or accidentally, the printer will pause and alarm.


Impressoras Wiiboox

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